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About Time Design

picture of Moon

Time cycles generated by the Earth-Moon can be interpreted to all belong to an intelligently arranged time-grid.

Looking at the Earth-Moon

The Earth-Moon divides time into a format that benefits us all. Day precedes night, and night revolves back into day. The Moon waxes and wanes. The seasons change with the equinoxes and the solstices.

In the modern era we have learned to use a numbering system to represent the Earth-Moon phenomena. The average day-unit is defined to be 24 hours long (or also 86,400 seconds). Modern measurements indicate that the lunar-month cycle completes in 29.5306 days (on the average). Current measurements also show that the year elapses in 365.2422 solar days.

The following paragraphs and accompanying articles will attempt to show that the time cycles generated by the Earth-Moon seem to represent more than unrelated numbers. In fact, these respective time cycles appear to all be elements of an intelligently arranged time grid. Essentially, progressions of day and night, lunar phases, and annual cycles all seem to work together to divide time into a functional arrangement.

What about the lunar cycle?

The Moon is quite a riddle in that the lunar period of 29.53059 days doesn't directly interface with the length of either the day or the year. Because the lunar cycle doesn't interface with days or years according to a simple arrangement then an elaborate, or more sophisticated, lunisolar interface is perhaps indicated.

The good news is that the phases of the Moon do seem to intelligently interface with the length of the year (over average time). It is very clear that a luni-based time grid exactly overlays a time grid of 7 years.

For comprehensive documentation concerning the remarkably perfect interface between the Moon and 7 sets of 7 years, refer to the following online publications:

A Case for Created Time? An Interrelated System Functional Time Design
The cited lunisolar interface is significant because an interpretation based upon the lunar phases so clearly points to the possibility of a special creation.

The day-rate problem

In a fully interrelated system, rates of solar days, lunar months, and annual circles (or solar years) must all satisfactorily interface together.

It is here significant that the Earth-Moon can be interpreted to comprise a fully interrelated system. Essentially, the spin of the Earth, the period of the Moon, and the annual traverse of the Earth around the Sun can all be recognized as components of a system that effectively divides time into specific periods. The time periods that are defined (of days or between specific days) reveal an interface that is perfect in its design.

For additional information concerning how the day-unit appears to intelligently interrelate with both the rate of the synodic month and with the rate of the solar year, refer to the following online publications:

An Interrelated System The Moon as a Time Meter Functional Time Design A Count of 360 Days
The demonstrable existence of a tight interface between rates of solar days, lunar phases, and solar years points to the possibility that the Earth-Moon has been functionally designed.

Historic time cycles

Of significance to a study of lunisolar time design is that certain priest-astronomers of the past are shown to have interpreted the orbital returns (Sun and Moon) in the context of performing cyclical counts (of days). In fact, some of the most practical adages for correlating numbers of days to the month (synodic) and the year (tropical) can be recited from texts written in the Second-Temple Era.

Because the two orbital revolutions CAN SO EXACTLY be resolved by tracking fixed cycles of days then their significance in defining a lunisolar system (a time model) is easy to understand. For pertinent information about the existence of eternally fixed time cycles, refer to the following online publications:

The Day-of-Sun The Lunar Week A Count of 360 Days Portals or Annual Gates Significance of 40 Days Ancient Astronomy A Circle of Seven The Jubilee Cycle Significance of 70 Years

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